Seasonal White and Ivory Bridesmaid Bouquet


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Delicate white and ivory blooms are carefully chosen and hand tied by our expert florists to create a timeless bridesmaid bouquet full of elegance and romance. This bridesmaid bouquet has been thoughtfully designed to complement our Seasonal White and Ivory Bridal Bouquet.

Please note, the photograph here is just an example of what you can expect – every one of our Seasonal White and Ivory Bridesmaid Bouquet is unique by nature and will vary depending on the best of our seasonal stems available to our florists on the day.

Lead Time & Delivery Recommendations

This bridesmaid bouquet requires 7 days notice prior to delivery - if you need it sooner, please call us on 01730 818300 to arrange delivery. We highly recommend having this product delivered the day before the event using one of our premium timed delivery services.

Rosebie founded The Real Flower Company in 1999 with a vision to grow and sell beautiful scented flowers, whilst placing provenance, sustainability, and good business ethics into all the company does. The lamentable lack of scent in most cut flowers inspired Rosebie to create The Real Flower Company so that our customers could experience the joy of fragrant English flowers, herbs and foliage

Each bouquet showcases the very best of what is in bloom right now and all are made-to-order on our sustainable English flower farm. Each bespoke bouquet will be sent directly from farm to door next-day or on a day of your choice in our signature green recyclable box, finished with a satin ribbon tie.

Delivery Days

We can deliver the next day, on most orders, if it is placed on our website, or by telephone, by 4pm. We deliver 5 days a week, Tuesday to Saturday.

We can also do same-day delivery from either of our London Shops.

New King's Road - 0207 736 6517 (Open Monday to Saturday), Swains Lane - 0203 011 5556 (Open Tuesday to Sunday).

For more delivery information, please click here.




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