Mothers Day

  1. Why Mother’s Day matters – and what to give

    Why Mother’s Day matters – and what to give
    Mother’s Day UK Mother’s Day (or more correctly Mothering Sunday) in the UK was traditionally a day when daughters working as domestic servants were given time off to return home to worship at their ‘mother church’ – and so the day became synonymous with the idea of family reunions. On their way home along springtime country lanes, the young women...
  2. Mother’s Day Chocolate Torte

    Mother’s Day Chocolate Torte
    We’ve been mesmerised by Rowena Scott-Campbell’s romantic images of flowers and gardens in the grain+feather Instagram gallery, as well as enjoying her contemporary take on the recipes her grandmother and mother used to make. So it seemed an obvious choice to ask her what would be her perfect treat for Mother’s Day. We weren’t surprised to get a recipe for...
  3. Writing a beautiful letter or Mother’s Day card with Naomi Bulger

    Writing a beautiful letter or Mother’s Day card with Naomi Bulger
    In the run up to Mother’s Day we caught up with writer, illustrator and teacher of creative letter writing Naomi Bulger to find out what inspired her to start sending letters and to discover her tips for creating the perfect Mother’s Day card. What first inspired you to start sending more cards and letters? I started sending cards and letters...

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