Chelsea flower show big news

Chelsea Flower Show Breaking News!

This year we’ll be back at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show and our plans are well under way! We’re looking forward to sharing more with you soon. Our founder and flower farmer Rosebie Morton has also been asked to give a talk at the show on Wednesday 20 May at 3pm – we’d love to see you there.

choclate Torte recipe

A Marriage Made in Heaven

Chocolate and flowers are the perfect mood-lifting combination. According to a survey by the Society of American Florists, almost 90% of people said giving flowers made them happy. Our Mother’s Day collection is already online and you can enjoy a 15% discount if you order now. Why not also treat your mum (or mother-figure) to a home-made Chocolate Torte? This easy recipe tastes as good as it looks – and don’t be afraid to snip a couple stems from your Mother’s Day bouquet to make it look extra special.

ideas and tips for writing a beautiful Mother’s Day letter or card.

Pen to Paper

While we’re thinking ahead to Mother’s Day, which this year falls on Sunday 22 March, we wanted to share creative writing teacher and illustrator Naomi Bulger’s ideas and tips for writing a beautiful Mother’s Day letter or card.

News from the farm

News from the Farm

We caught up with Rosebie to find out what’s happening on the farm and in her garden this month: “With the sun shining and the scent of Daphne Odora Marginata and Sarcococca wafting through the garden, one realises how important scent is for lifting one’s mood. Both shrubs work in any sized garden and will reward you with years of pleasure. Among our flowers, the tulip leaves have shot up in the paddock, which means a new crop of beauties are on the way. With this mild winter, everything seems to be shooting early and there is a definite feeling that spring is in the air!”